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Franchise Opportunity

We are extending a global invitation for franchises of the world's first exclusive online application encompassing product sales and services dedicated to the sport of Badminton.

One-Stop Destination for Badminton sport application for Badminton lovers, connecting all links (Product purchase, Services, Court Booking, Used Buy, tournament software, Construction, Etc…)

Under the Franchise Agreement, franchisees are granted a license to utilize the Badminton Souq online platform for selling and providing badminton-related services in their respective countries. This includes the exclusive use of proprietary business formats, methods, procedures, designs, layouts, standards, and specifications authorized by the franchisor, specifically for operating the Badminton Souq franchise.

What is the Minimum Investment?

The Badminton Souq franchise operates on an 8% profit-sharing arrangement. Additionally, there is a one-time fee of 10,000 USD for software setup in each country, covering aspects such as currency conversion and gateway setups.


Franchise-Support Model

Will I Receive Training?

Certainly – Badminton Souq provides comprehensive training sessions. We are dedicated to making all essential preparations before the public launch, which will include on-premise support lasting 2-4 weeks.

How Long the Franchise For?

Our franchise agreement lasts for a five-year period. Franchise renewal is automatic, granted the franchisee operates in accordance with the terms outlined in the franchise agreement

Contact Us

Kindly complete the franchise application to connect with our experts.
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